The Daily Cred

"And give us this day, our daily cred..." A blog about science, humans and other animals and how we fit together in this crazy world

Location: London, United Kingdom

28 June 2006

US Supreme Court to examine climate change

Is it too much to hope that, finally, someone in the upper echelons of the US Government is taking climate change seriously? The case is one between 12 US States and environmental groups (led by the State of Massachusetts), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is being urged to regulate CO2 emissions from mobile sources (such as vehicles). It's not known why the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case, but I'm sure the irony of the following will be lost on the anti-intellectuals of the Bush administration:

The EPA and the US Department of Justice, which is representing the EPA in the case, could not be reached for comment because severe flooding in Washington DC forced their offices to close on Monday.


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