The Daily Cred

"And give us this day, our daily cred..." A blog about science, humans and other animals and how we fit together in this crazy world

Location: London, United Kingdom

29 June 2006

Tomatoes: latest tool in the hunt for HIV vaccine?

An interesting report from New Scientist about research involving genetically modified tomatoes to deliver vaccines for diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B or HBV (link requires subs).

But, as the report indicates, the 90 or so existing vaccines against HIV fail to induce effective immunity and the only advantages apparent to me here are in method of delivery. But, on the plus side, mice injected with the tomato-grown vaccine had substantial levels of antibodies in their mucosal surfaces, which is where the greatest level of protection against HIV infection would be needed.

This may represent a useful tool for a future HIV initiative, and may also offer a successful oral vaccine for HBV for poorer countries where intra-muscular vaccines pose a logistical problem.


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